When you hear the word “GOD” what do you think? Sadly, perhaps there is just a blank in the minds of many people today? For some there is a twisted, trivial image…a kind of cosmic Santa Claus who exists only to give us what we want?
Thankfully we don’t have to be groping around in the dark concerning this most important matter. GOD in fact wants us to know Him…so much so that He has come into this world and made Himself known…through His Word, the Bible.
A passage I find especially helpful in this way is PSALM 139. The opening verse is,
You have searched me, LORD, and you know me.
The man who wrote this beautiful song, called David, goes on to describe how GOD knows all our thoughts, all our movements…all our ways and words. This man was an outstanding artist, military leader, a king of Israel nearly 3000 years ago. The defining characteristic of his life, and the reason why we’re still talking about him, is that he was a passionate believer. Thinking about the all-knowing GOD who knows him so personally and perfectly, David cries out in song,
Such knowledge is too wonderful for me, too lofty for me to attain-v.6.
Have you ever pondered on the OMNISCIENCE of God (Omni=all, Science=knowledge), the fact that He knows everything about you…biologically, historically, and personally? Of course He does…He’s your Creator! To make contact with the One who is the source of all being and knowledge is surely awesome and overwhelming. And to realise that He is a perfectly holy GOD who hates and must punish sin would surely also fill us with a sense of terror? We are sinful and finite. He knows all about us…and we will come into His presence when we die.
This is where we need the New Testament to be able to meditate on GOD with joy and comfort…realising that the Almighty, Omniscient GOD contracted Himself to the womb of the Virgin Mary, becoming one of us, to die for His people on the Cross, to take the punishment we deserve, to wash us clean and make us new. Then we can know this All-knowing GOD as Saviour, Father and Friend.
Has this happened to you?
Now this is eternal life, that they know you, the only true GOD, and Jesus Christ whom you have sent- JOHN 17:3